Graduate School Work: Thesis in Progress, focusing on trauma
One day there was a little girl who never dreamed of getting married. Her only dream was to become an artist.
And she was. She cooked and cleaned. She had dinner on the table on time, just as he liked it. Every night.
One day he told her, "I can't walk with you because I am gay."
But, as little girls tend to do, she grew up and met a boy. They fell in love and he asked her to marry him.
She birthed two of his babies and stayed home to raise them. She even helped to raise his child from another mother.
And even though she had done a lot for him, she didn't know how to do that.
"Yes!" She cried. "My dreams can wait! You are the most important thing in my life and I will be the best wife EVER!"
And all this time he worked very hard to provide for his family.
Two months later he returned and said, "Just kidding. I'm not gay, I just never loved you!" And he started a new family.
The Wedding Dress is made from toe tags from a morgue that have been soaked in goats blood, my wedding veil and petticoat, copper and steel wire, a dress form, watch parts, metal trinkets, beeswax and fosshape. Each toe tag contains a wedding vow, wedding date, and wedding city. There are 500 tags on the dress. By the end of the project, I stomped on the tags with muddy boots.